Customer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (District Philadelphia)

Contract Number: W912BU-13-D-0024-0002
POP: 01-FEB-14 to 31-OCT-14
Type of service: SATOC for Repair/Replacement and Construction Contracts anywhere within the geographic boundaries of the Philadelphia District.
Task Order 2:
Burgos Group was contracted to repair the hanger door tracks for four separate hangars at JB-MDL. Each ‘hangar door’ consisted of 10 doors approximately 20’ wide by 50’ high. For each of the hangars we:
- Removed the damaged /bent track rails & concrete.
- Furnished & installed new track rails and structural support
- Furnished & installed epoxy based concrete at damaged concrete areas.
- Removed and replace door wheels
- Installed door stops and Tested door operation
- Tested & cleaned existing drainage
- Furnished & installed new 3” drain pipe
Additional Concrete Apron and foundation replacement was required inside Hangers 1801, 1809 & 1817. We had to sawcut, break, remove and dispose of old concrete pavement; replace 3” aggregate base as necessary; drill & install dowels; form and install construction joints as required; furnish & install 5000 psi concrete for average 12” thick pavement; cure & finish concrete pavement; sawcut and install joint sealants; furnish and install concrete sealer; cleaned disturbed areas.
For Hanger 1801 only we chipped, removed & disposed of entire concrete, rails and rail supports to 9” below finished floor for the full length of the hanger door at the tracks (165 LF approximately); formed existing trench drain, drain wall and installed new trench drain grate angle supports; installed 40 pound rails with, 2x2x1/4” support angles every 3 feet’; formed, elevated all rails within proper tolerance; furnished and installed 5000 psi concrete at full length of hanger doors; removed all forms and cleaned area. Finally, we install bottom rail pocket door stops and tested doors for smooth operation.
Special requirements for this work included training and certifying drivers to be allowed to drive on the airfield and runway. Weather constraints were also an issue. While under repair, the hanger was open to the elements so interior and equipment had to be protected for the 8-10 weeks it took to complete the work for each hangar. Wet weather was a particular consideration due to the amount of concrete work required.