Customer: Bureau of Land Management

Contract Number: L10PC00488 0682/10/001160/01
POP: 1-Jun-2010 to 31-Jul-2010
Burgos Group provided labor, equipment, supplies, and materials for reconditioning the Dripping Springs, La Cueva Roads, various parking areas, and pull-outs and applying a multiple coarse chip seal to portions of said roads and parking areas. Work also included re-striping existing and striping new asphalt pavement, laying out and constructing a ponding area for Parking Lot 1 at La Cueva, laying out and constructing a parking area at the visitor center for storing contractors equipment, laying down rip rap in portions of borrow ditch to control water flow, and all other work necessary to increase the longevity of the assets being improved or maintained.
A major portion of this project was to rehabilitate 11,100 feet of 24 feet wide road, 260 feet of 22 feet wide road and 4,200 feet of 12 feet wide road and 20,370 square feet of parking areas that are asphalt covered. A lesser portion of work was with 192 feet of 14 feet wide road and 8,100 square feet of parking areas, pull outs, and shoulders that were aggregate covered. The rest of the work involved clearing and leveling 2,000 square yards of area for parking of work equipment.
The work included clearing and grubbing vegetation from the ditches, shoulders, and pavement. Cleaning and shaping borrows and turnout ditches, shoulders, and culverts end. The aggregate surfaced areas were conditioned to have chip seal asphalt layers applied to them. The roads and parking areas already covered with an asphalt layer were cleaned and prepped to have another chip seal layer applied to them.
The 4,200 feet of 12 feet wide La Cueva Road were widened to 14 feet. The entire length of La Cueva Road was stripped on both shoulders. The visitor center parking lot paint parking stalls were laid out and re-painted to meet current regulations and codes.
When a fire started nearby on White Sands Missile Range and threatened to come into the canyon where our work was being performed, we worked with the BLM to use the visitor center parking lot as a temporary helicopter pad.