Customer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (District Albuquerque)
Contract Number: W912PP-14-T-0168
POP: 1-Oct-2014 to 30-Sep-2015
Burgos Group provides the qualified personnel, management, supervision, equipment, supplies, materials, and other items necessary to perform the technical support for sampling of storm water and waste water at Kirtland AFB. We handle the collection and visual analysis of storm water samples from a qualifying storm event during pre-determined periods for five sector sample stations. Collected samples are sent for laboratory analysis and results are provided to the government. Sample collection is conducted under EPA protocol and as stipulated in the monitoring language of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)
All storm water from the base eventually discharges into the Rio Grande watershed. Storm water from the Kirtland Family Housing area and the other non-industrialized areas on Kirtland AFB within the MS4 permit area (City of Albuquerque urbanized area) drains directly into the City of Albuquerque’s storm sewer system. Storm water samples from these areas are collected with automated sampling stations from two locations in the on-site storm water drainage structures.
This task involves the collection of storm water samples from two storm events from each of the two existing sample stations during the performance period, sample analysis, and reporting. The sampling periods are determined by the government. When analytical results for specific parameters exceed certain levels, additional samples may be required to determine their validity.
All sample collections are sent to an independent laboratory for analysis. When the analyses are received, Burgos Group compiles and reports the findings within five days to the government.