Customer: U.S. Air Force
Contract Number: FA9401-11-C-0046
POP: 25-Sep-1201 to 24-Sep-2016
Burgos Group provides Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) to the Air Force Safety Center at Kirtland Air Force Base. Burgos Group’s personnel perform safety, health, engineering and technical services to develop, maintain and document Air Force (AF) safety guidance for all aspects of the AF safety program consistent with DOD and Air Force Instruction (AFI) requirements, OSHA and AF safety mission requirements.
The primary objective of this work is to develop, document, and maintain safety policy and provide field support which complies with federal standards, accepted national consensus standards, and DOD and AF policies corresponding with the AF mission. This includes AF specific tailoring of Department of Transportation (DOT), OSHA and other guidance, developing and revising of AF Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) guidance documents, providing technical reviews and technical position comments on safety documents, researching and preparing responses to user questions and concerns, developing joint/multi-service procedures, developing standards for AF-only use in the absence of other useable guidance, providing briefing materials for use at conferences and meetings, assisting with mishap investigations and reports, and working on teams supporting these requirements.
Burgos Group provides an on-site program manager and certified experts who possess knowledge and understanding of Safety and occupational health principles, practices, procedures and standards applicable to military installation including agency instructions, directives, and operation manuals, OSHA, Federal safety and occupational health standards, ANSI and other consensus standards. They are also involved with the planning, organizing, directing, operating, inspecting and evaluating a safety and occupational health program for an installation safety program, including administrative, vehicle, industrial operations, and off-duty safety programs.
We provide personnel who understand vehicle or aviation maintenance work processes and related support equipment, installation facility operation and maintenance techniques, sufficient to evaluate and determine causal factors contributing to mishaps and hazardous working conditions. Our team performs mishap investigation analysis, prepares reports of mishap circumstances, maintain mishap records and evaluates mishap data for trends and common patterns. Our personnel are knowledgeable of industrial construction standards, methods, practices, techniques, materials, equipment, and utility systems sufficient to determine compliance with building safety standards, and hazard control measures applicable to installation administrative facilities, industrial shop operations, mechanical and equipment operations.
We assist AFSEC in developing and conducting a comprehensive safety education program including formal training sessions and supervisor-employee discussions, publication of safety articles and dissemination of safety educational materials.